This powerful film from MullenLowe London provocatively captures how, early on in their education, children already define career opportunities as male and female. When asked to draw a firefighter, surgeon and a fighter pilot, 61 pictures were drawn of men and only 5 were female.
Buiding a homemade camera, it may seem difficult, but it is easier than it seems, because for only two dollars and in 5 minutes, everyone can build their own cardboard camera.
Making a homemade radio is easier than it seems. Thanks to this video, we will learn how to create a homemade radio in a fun way and using materials available for everyone.
Air is a gas and as such has the property of expanding, increasing its temperature, that is to say, increasing its volume and on the contrary, when this gas decreases its temperature, it tends to contract and with it to decrease its volume.
When we friction two elements such as the balloon with a wool cloth, the electrons of one element pass to the other, so that one element is left with more electrons and another with fewer electrons. By bringing the balloon closer to a metal can it is attracted by the negative charges of the balloon. This phenomenon is known as "static electricity".
Thermometres are instruments used to measure the temperature and the usual are those containing colorated alcohol or a liquid called mercury inside that dilates or contracts with changes in temperature. With this experiment we will learn how to build a homemade thermometer and we will understand how it works.
An episode from the famous French animation “Once upon a time… the discoverers”. The series introduces the scientific discoveries and the people who made them.
In "Faraday and Electricity" episode of "Once upon a time...The Discoverers" cartoon series, children get familiar with the most important inventions and discoveries of the great scientists and the main principles and theories in the field of Electricity. The video is available in Spanish.
The homemade elctroscope consist of a vertcal copper metal rod, which has a kind of sphere on the top and at the opposite end two sheetd or flakes of aluminum foil. When an electrified object is brought closer to the sphere, the rod is electrified and the electrically charged aluminum lamellae repel, separating.
Making a robotic hand is easier than it seems. Thanks to this video, we will learn how to create a robotic hand in a fun way and using materials available for everyone.
Density is the result of dividing mass by volume. This homemade experiment, will serve to demonstrate the density in liquids and to develop scientific research capacities among students. Through this experiment they will be able to understand the variation of water density by adding a solute.
In "Lavoisier and Chemistry" episode of "Once upon a time...The Discoverers" cartoon series, children get familiar with the work of Antoine Lavoisier in the field of Chemistry. The video is available in Spanish.