
The Aurora Named Steve

For the first time, scientists have ground and satellite views of STEVE (short for Strong Thermal Emission Velocity Enhancement), a thin purple ribbon of light. Scientists have now learned, despite its ordinary name, that STEVE may be an extraordinary puzzle piece in painting a better picture of how Earth's magnetic fields function and interact with charged particles in space.


The balancing coins

This work consists on the balance between the magnetic and the gravitational forces made on coins. The experience is made by using strong magnets abble to support several coins in a certain structure.


Bottleflip Challenge

When the bottle moves in the air, the liquid inside it begins to walk up the sides. This action rises up the moment of water inertia and reduces its rotation speed. This phenomenon is similar to what happens to a diver when he jumps from the top of a board to the swimming-pool.


The magic of the invisible coin – Playing and stimulating with Science

Where is the coin? Why has this happened? Where is the coin going to go when adding water to the glass? A possible explanation: the angle of the light refraction does not let you see the coin.


Saccharose and oxygen transformation due to heat

Heat is one of the factors that can cause chemical transformations. One of the transformations envolves sugar, chemically known as saccharose, and air oxygen.


Relationship between mass and weight

The activity allows to determinate the relationship between the weight and the mass of a bodie, on Earth.


Magnesium combustion reaction

Verify and interpret the occurrence of the magnesium combustion reaction. Verify if the magnesium combustion reaction is an exoenergetic reaction which releases energy in the form of heat or light.


Water electrolysis

The decomposition of a substance by the action of electricity is called electrolysis. An example of one of these transformations is the decomposition of water by the action of electricity. This activity should be carried out under the supervision of your teacher.


4 Science Experiments at Home * Amazing Physics Tricks

It's amazing, informative and interesting Physics Science Experiments that you can do at home to repeat. Treat your household and friends of the wonderful tricks, and your knowledge of physics. Physical experiments and Science Tricks is cool and amazing!


How do touchscreens work?

How does a touchscreen work? Why can you text with your finger, but not with a q-tip? The physics of smartphones is a complicated and amazing mixture of engineering, physics, electronics and computer science.


The awesome power of citizen science

Any average citizen with an interest in science can make valuable contributions to science through the collection of data and by sharing this data with scientist who can analyze and process.  


The control of fire

The chemical equation resulting from the butane gas combustion is C4H10 + 132O2 è 4CO2 + 5H2O The Combustion is an exothermic chemical reaction between a substance (fuel) and a gas (combustion), usually oxygen, creating, in this particular case, the formation of carbon dioxide and water.


M&Ms in the water: Science with creativity

Chocolate M&Ms are covered by a layer of sugar and food colouring. When put into the water, the sugar gradually melts taking with it a certain amount of colouring which, in its turn, is also soluble in water. The sugar flows in the water from areas with a high concentration of sugar to areas with a lower concentration. At some point, the colours do not not mix anymore! A possible explanation is that in the border area between then, the sugar concentration is almost the same, diminishing the tendency of both the sugar and colouring flux.


Giant soap bubbles

Making soap bubbles makes any outdoor activity much funnier – specially if there is a smooth breeze to take them to the sky. The size of both the soap bubbles or the huge tubes depends on the used materials as well on the students’ expertise. The soap bubbles have no colour, but their amazing structure and the light properties make visible a complete rainbow. The outer surface that keeps the air inside is a thin water sheet isolated between two thin layers of soap molecules. It’s the way the light interacts with these layers that creates the colours we can see.


Is the image of an object equal in any kind of mirror?

Characterisation of images obtained from flat and curved mirrors.


White light Composition

Decomposition of the white light and identification of the primary and secondary colours of the light. 


Simulation of weather conditions essential along the salt production process: Solar radiation effect on the evaporation rate

Having as background the Aveiro saltpans and all the procedure for obtaining salt from them (evaporation of water), an experience was planned in order to study the effect of solar radiation on the evaporation rate. A saltpan was simulated in the lab, prepared in a dark room (without natural sunlight), and, with a floodlight, we simulated the sun. We varied the angle of incidence of the radiation in the saltpan and then we measured the temperature as well as the range of mass of the saltpan during a certain hiatus of incidence of the floodlight. In order to study the water evaporation rate with and without wind, a fan was used.  


Transient - 4K, UHD, 1000FPS

Adjective. not lasting, enduring, or permanent; lasting only a short time; existing briefly. Philosophy. person or thing that is transient, especially a temporary guest, boarder, laborer, or the like. Electricity. a sudden pulse of voltage or current


pinners! - how do fidget spinners work? - Quick Physics Video

Fidget spinners work because there is a bearing in the centre. This is a good example of conservation of angular momentum, essentially the thing will keep spinning until there is an external moment, this is provided by the friction between the two rings. Ball bearings in between the two rings mean that as small as possible surface is touching between the two rotating rings, meaning friction is as low as possible. Skateboards, rollerblades, bikes and cars are all designed to waste as little as possible energy as heat and sound during friction between the axle and the wheel.


Civil Engineering for kids

A fun, engaging and interactive program that introduces kids to the fascinating world of civil engineering through experimenting with various building materials and the effect of forces and loads on buildings they design themselves. Kids are exposed to various types of bridges and why they are essential. Kids design and build their own bridges, considering forces, loads, durability, and budget.

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