
VR Pulley System

This application intends to present elementary pulley systems as mechanical devices able to transmit force and reduce the effort required to lift loads. Three different pulley systems illustrate these characteristics and allow feeling the force required by each one when a load is lifted.


VR Spring Constant

This application permits to interact with a simple spring element by using a haptic device of 1 DOF and to feel the spring reaction force to displacement imposed by the haptic device. It is possible to demonstrate how the spring constant depends both on the geometric parameters and on the spring material.


Augmented Reality Nsensor

This application uses augmented reality in order to display dynamic information from NSensor monitoring devices.


Let the Wave Take You Away

The New Frontiers of Engineering Award is an initiative promoted by the Portuguese Association of Engineers (Central Region) which aims to stimulate the interest of students in elementary and secondary education about STEM themes and in the engineering profession.Let the Wave Take You Away, was a work developed by students of the 7th year of Agrupamento de Escolas Martim de Freitas school and candidate for the prize in 2017.Consisting of showing the operation of various designs of wave hydroelectric power plants.


Influence of the Magnetic Field on Germination and Seed Development

The New Frontiers of Engineering Award is an initiative promoted by the Portuguese Association of Engineers (Central Region) which aims to stimulate the interest of students in elementary and secondary education about STEM themes and in the engineering profession. Influence of the Magnetic Field on Germination and Seed Development, was a work developed by students of the 12th year of Colégio da Imaculada Conceição, school and candidate for the prize in 2017. Consisting of analyzing the influence of a magnetic field on seed germination and its development.


Environmental (Bio)monitoring

The New Frontiers of Engineering Award is an initiative promoted by the Portuguese Association of Engineers (Central Region) which aims to stimulate the interest of students in elementary and secondary education about STEM themes and in the engineering profession. Environmental (Bio)monitoring, was a work developed by students of the 7th year of Colégio da Imaculada Conceição, school and candidate for the prize in 2017. Consisting of the measurement, using microwave and radiofrequency, of the dielectric properties of leaves of the inula spiraeifolia plant in order to investigate its applicability to monitor environmental pollution. Comparing to contaminated water with different concentrations of heavy metals.


Modern-day Noria

The New Frontiers of Engineering Award is an initiative promoted by the Portuguese Association of Engineers (Central Region) which aims to stimulate the interest of students in elementary and secondary education about STEM themes and in the engineering profession. Modern-day Noria, was a work developed by students of the 8th year of Colégio da Imaculada Conceição, school and candidate for the prize in 2017. Consisting of the design and construction of a modern-day noria that produces electricity when a hammer strikes a piezoelectric crystal.


Junior Privacy

The New Frontiers of Engineering Award is an initiative promoted by the Portuguese Association of Engineers (Central Region) which aims to stimulate the interest of students in elementary and secondary education about STEM themes and in the engineering profession. Junior Privacy, was a work developed by students of the 6th and 7th year of Colégio da Imaculada Conceição school and candidate for the prize in 2016. Consisting of creating an alarm that allows privacy in the juvenile’s room and to know if someone came in during his absence.


Ghostbuster, The Static Electricity Detector

The New Frontiers of Engineering Award is an initiative promoted by the Portuguese Association of Engineers (Central Region) which aims to stimulate the interest of students in elementary and secondary education about STEM themes and in the engineering profession. Ghostbuster, The Static Electricity Detector, was a work developed by students of the 10th year of Colégio da Imaculada Conceição school and candidate for the prize in 2016. Consisting of the development of a prototype designed with the objective of being able to respond to some civil engineering requests (locating electric cables embedded in walls) and civil protection (locate buried people due to disasters), based on the detection of static electricity.


Thermoelectric Generator

The New Frontiers of Engineering Award is an initiative promoted by the Portuguese Association of Engineers (Central Region) which aims to stimulate the interest of students in elementary and secondary education about STEM themes and in the engineering profession. Thermoelectric Generator was a work developed by students of the 7th and 9th year of Colégio da Imaculada Conceição school and candidate for the prize in 2016. Consisting of the development of a prototype of a Thermoelectric Generator, demonstrating the importance of the sources and forms of energy, generating sufficient electrical energy to feed an electric motor only through the differences in temperature between 2 water reservoirs.


VR Friction Force

The application demonstrates the variation of the friction force between a body on a moving surface as a result of the body weight, the surface smoothness and the degree of lubrication.



The application allows the user to set up and test elastic beam structural models with built-in, fixed and/or roller supports, under point loads. The deformed structural shape is displayed, as well as the internal force diagrams.


Lamp Temperature Control

The application allows the user to switch on/off the lamp and the fan and to check the evolution of the lamp and room temperatures in a graphic. It also allows to perform a basic on/off control to stabilize the temperature at a reference point set by the user in the remote experiment application.


BioActions, BioWorld

The New Frontiers of Engineering Award is an initiative promoted by the Portuguese Association of Engineers (Central Region) which aims to stimulate the interest of students in elementary and secondary education about STEM themes and in the engineering profession.BioActions, BioWorld, was a work developed by students of the 11th year of Colégio da Imaculada Conceição, school and candidate for the prize in 2017.Consisting of Production and environmental behavior characterization of a biodegradable biopolymer.



The New Frontiers of Engineering Award is an initiative promoted by the Portuguese Association of Engineers (Central Region) which aims to stimulate the interest of students in elementary and secondary education about STEM themes and in the engineering profession. Antimatter, was a work developed by students of the 12th year of Colégio da Imaculada Conceição, school and candidate for the prize in 2017. Consisting of the development of a device for collecting waste in polluted waters using renewable energy.


Hydraulic Excavator...The Mean Machine!

The New Frontiers of Engineering Award is an initiative promoted by the Portuguese Association of Engineers (Central Region) which aims to stimulate the interest of students in elementary and secondary education about STEM themes and in the engineering profession. Hydraulic Excavator...The Mean Machine!, was a work developed by students of the 7th year of Colégio da Imaculada Conceição, school and candidate for the prize in 2017. Consisting of the design and construction of a Hydraulic Excavator to realize that the force which is applied to one point is transmitted to another point by means of an incompressible fluid (Pascal's principle)


The Engineering of the Music Box

The New Frontiers of Engineering Award is an initiative promoted by the Portuguese Association of Engineers (Central Region) which aims to stimulate the interest of students in elementary and secondary education about STEM themes and in the engineering profession. The Engineering of the Music Box, was a work developed by students of the 9th year of Colégio São Teotónio, school and candidate for the prize in 2016. Consisting of demonstrating the engineering involved in music boxes by building a music box comb using wood and saw blades.


Piezoelectric Shoe

The New Frontiers of Engineering Award is an initiative promoted by the Portuguese Association of Engineers (Central Region) which aims to stimulate the interest of students in elementary and secondary education about STEM themes and in the engineering profession. Piezoelectric Shoe, was a work developed by students of the 12th year of Colégio da Imaculada Conceição school and candidate for the prize in 2016. Consisting of the development of a shoe capable of producing energy through movement, using piezoelectric crystals.


Proximity Sensor Hat

The New Frontiers of Engineering Award is an initiative promoted by the Portuguese Association of Engineers (Central Region) which aims to stimulate the interest of students in elementary and secondary education about STEM themes and in the engineering profession. Proximity Sensor Hat was a work developed by students of the 12th year of Colégio da Imaculada Conceição school and candidate for the prize in 2016. Consisting of the development of a hat with a sensor connected to an audible buzzer that warns the invisuals of the proximity of obstacles


Humidity Sensor

The New Frontiers of Engineering Award is an initiative promoted by the Portuguese Association of Engineers (Central Region) which aims to stimulate the interest of students in elementary and secondary education about STEM themes and in the engineering profession. Humidity Sensor was a work developed by students of the 7th year of Colégio da Imaculada Conceição school and candidate for the prize in 2016. Consisting of the development of an humidity sensor, which was designed to be used in plant cultivation (small-scale and / or large scale) in a circuit that indicates when the soil is dry, which implies the need to carry out its watering. 

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