
Hot or Not

When heat is transferred, it must have physical matter to move through. · Heat can transfer through conduction, which happens when heat vibrates the atoms in a material which then transfers energy to other atoms in a process called thermal conductance. · Gases, such as air, contain very little matter in comparison with solids or liquids and, therefore, “insulate” heat from flowing. · Refractory bricks are made from ceramic fibers that can withstand extreme temperatures without melting. ◊The bricks are very porous, meaning a large amount of air is trapped between the ceramic fibers, which slows the movement of heat through the material. ◊A similar material was used on the space shuttle to protect it and the crew from outside temperatures of >1200°C achieved upon re-entry of the shuttle into the Earth’s atmosphere.

Objective:To demonstrate that materials can be designed to withstand very high temperatures. Description:A torch will be used to heat one side of a refractory brick, demonstrating that the other side remains cool.

Joana Sousa
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