
Synthesis of Fluorescent Quantum Dots

The visible absorption and photoluminescence of CdSe nanoparticles depend on the size of the particle. A sudden injection of room temperature selenium solution into hot cadmium solution produces quickly-growing seed crystals. Samples are withdrawn from the hot solution and quenched at room temperature to produce a series of increasing particle sizes and observable change in color.


How to make a homemade electroscope

The homemade elctroscope consist of a vertcal copper metal rod, which has a kind of sphere on the top and at the opposite end two sheetd or flakes of aluminum foil. When an electrified object is brought closer to the sphere, the rod is electrified and the electrically charged aluminum lamellae repel, separating.



  This is a very simple and interesting homemade experiment that explains how to create an electromagnet.            


Attraction of a can with a balloon

When we friction two elements such as the balloon with a wool cloth, the electrons of one element pass to the other, so that one element is left with more electrons and another with fewer electrons. By bringing the balloon closer to a metal can it is attracted by the negative charges of the balloon. This phenomenon is known as "static electricity".


Cabbage Indicator Experiment

Understanding how an acid-base indicator works in real life situations and how to make one at home. 


Hedy Lamarr - The Beauty of WiFi

Hedy Lamarr - The Beauty of WiFi

The most beautiful actress of '40 should be remembered not  only for her 6 husbands, but also to be the inventor of principles used in nowadays wireless links.


The teen inventors of Greece: Dimitri’s Robot

The teen inventors of Greece: Dimitri’s Robot

The video presents the achievements Dimitris Chatzis, a student from Kavala, who is considered the youngest creator of human like robot in the world. In addition, an innovative project for energy saving prepared by a group of pupils is also presented.


The teen inventors of Greece…The national robotics pupil contest

The teen inventors of Greece…The national robotics pupil contest

The video presents shortly the national robotics pupils' contest, whose finals took place in Athens. The contest relates to the development and presentation of pupils’ projects that combine robotics, mathematics, mechanical engineering and technology. 


Chemical and Biological Engineering - From the Molecule to the Universe

This video, from the Portuguese Engineers Association, presents Chemical and Biological Engineering and generally describes the profession of an Chemical and Biological Engineer and his present contribution to social and economic development


Mechanical Engineering - The Energy of Motion

This video, from the Portuguese Engineers Association, presents Mechanical Engineering and generally describes the profession of an Mechanical Engineer and his present contribution to social and economic development


How to make a homemade radio

Making a homemade radio is easier than it seems. Thanks to this video, we will learn how to create a homemade radio in a fun way and using materials available for everyone.


Experiment on compressibility and air expandability

Air is a gas and as such has the property of expanding, increasing its temperature, that is to say, increasing its volume and on the contrary, when this gas decreases its temperature, it tends to contract and with it to decrease its volume.


Create an electricity battery with lemons

The batteries consist of two different metals in suspension in an acid solution. Copper and zinc work well as metals and the citric acid content of a lemon will provide the acid solution. The zinc nail and the copper coin are called electrodes and the lemon juice is called electrolyte.


3D printers

3D printer is a machine capable of “impressions” of 3D designs, creating pieces from a design made by computer models.


How to make a robotic hand

Making a robotic hand is easier than it seems. Thanks to this video, we will learn how to create a robotic hand in a fun way and using materials available for everyone.


The Theory of Relativity explained in 7 mins

The video explains Einstein's famous theory of relativity using simple words!


The teen inventors of Greece: The children that make a Green Future

The teen inventors of Greece: The children that make a Green Future

The video presents two projects that developed by Greek schools and which combine technology with environmental awareness. 


Geographical Engineering - Mission to Planet Earth

This video, from the Portuguese Engineers Association, presents Geographical Engineering and generally describes the profession of an Geographical Engineer and his present contribution to social and economic development


Marine Engineering - A Sea of Opportunities

This video, from the Portuguese Engineers Association, presents Marine Engineering and generally describes the profession of an Marine Engineer and his present contribution to social and economic development


Materials Engineering - The Infrastructure of Technology

This video, from the Portuguese Engineers Association, presents Materials Engineering and generally describes the profession of an Materials Engineer and his present contribution to social and economic development

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