
Occupational Profile of “Inspector of Electrical Installations”

The Occupational Profile of “Inspector of Electrical Installations” was assigned by the National (Hellenic) Organization for the Certification of Qualifications and Vocational Guidance (EOPPEP) to a working group supervised by the Hellenic Confederation of Professionals, Craftsmen & Merchants (GSEVEE).  The aim of the Occupational Profile is to present updated information on the content, tasks, qualities, competencies and skills related to the specific profession and the ways to acquire them in Greece.


Talent Check on line tool

Talent check is an online Career Guidance test that enables the assessment of professional interests and suggests the more suitable professions.


Using ICT in education. New ideas and Tendencies

A comprehensive presentation in Greek about applications of ICT in the modern classroom, and how the employable are people who choose to study ICT and CS in education, not only as teachers.


What is Independent Research?

A tutorial on independent research and historic overview of the most important and expensive projects completed.


Are you ready for the technical high school? ;-)

Paperino durante il test

In this contribution we present some questions that you can use to know the knowledges of the guys that start a technical high school. Some questions are very easy, others difficult. We would like know, with this questions, the ability of reasoning of our guys.


Best practice guide of successful women entrepreneurs in male dominated professions

"Chambers Against Stereotypes in Employment - CHASE" EU project prepared a best practice guide with testimonials and case studies of successful women entrepreneurs and employees in male dominated sectors and professions. 


New Frontiers in Engineering

A comprehensive presentation on all new areas under the field of modern engineering, accompanied by a series of YouTube videos on key aspects of modern engineering


Why Science is considered for males?

Why Science is considered for males?

A book store of Benevento (Italy) offers coffee to who buys a science book for little girls. The taste read a scientific book have to be also for females. But is very easy to listen "these books are things for male".


Temperature control with LM335

Temperature control with LM335

In this tutorial we explain how to build a temperature control with a LM335.

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