
Could mobility be viewed as a service??

Could mobility be viewed as a service??


LIFE DEBAG - Don't leave plastic bags in our seas

 LIFE DEBAG - Don't leave plastic bags in our seas


How does fluorescence work?

A description of what fluorescence is and its connection to variety of topics and disciplines of everyday life and science.


The science and engineering of materials and ceramics - Sustainable approaches. A game as a stimulus.

The importance of materials science and engineering is not always well understood by the general public. The classification of materials in metals, alloys, ceramics, glass, polymers and composites based on their composition and chemical bonding does not allow the importance of materials in technological development to be recognized. Functional classification is much more appealing, but it refers to the role of science and engineering of materials in the background.


BioActions, BioWorld

The New Frontiers of Engineering Award is an initiative promoted by the Portuguese Association of Engineers (Central Region) which aims to stimulate the interest of students in elementary and secondary education about STEM themes and in the engineering profession.BioActions, BioWorld, was a work developed by students of the 11th year of Colégio da Imaculada Conceição, school and candidate for the prize in 2017.Consisting of Production and environmental behavior characterization of a biodegradable biopolymer.


The Engineering of the Music Box

The New Frontiers of Engineering Award is an initiative promoted by the Portuguese Association of Engineers (Central Region) which aims to stimulate the interest of students in elementary and secondary education about STEM themes and in the engineering profession. The Engineering of the Music Box, was a work developed by students of the 9th year of Colégio São Teotónio, school and candidate for the prize in 2016. Consisting of demonstrating the engineering involved in music boxes by building a music box comb using wood and saw blades.


Ghostbuster, The Static Electricity Detector

The New Frontiers of Engineering Award is an initiative promoted by the Portuguese Association of Engineers (Central Region) which aims to stimulate the interest of students in elementary and secondary education about STEM themes and in the engineering profession. Ghostbuster, The Static Electricity Detector, was a work developed by students of the 10th year of Colégio da Imaculada Conceição school and candidate for the prize in 2016. Consisting of the development of a prototype designed with the objective of being able to respond to some civil engineering requests (locating electric cables embedded in walls) and civil protection (locate buried people due to disasters), based on the detection of static electricity.


The Aurora Named Steve

For the first time, scientists have ground and satellite views of STEVE (short for Strong Thermal Emission Velocity Enhancement), a thin purple ribbon of light. Scientists have now learned, despite its ordinary name, that STEVE may be an extraordinary puzzle piece in painting a better picture of how Earth's magnetic fields function and interact with charged particles in space.


The balancing coins

This work consists on the balance between the magnetic and the gravitational forces made on coins. The experience is made by using strong magnets abble to support several coins in a certain structure.


Bottleflip Challenge

When the bottle moves in the air, the liquid inside it begins to walk up the sides. This action rises up the moment of water inertia and reduces its rotation speed. This phenomenon is similar to what happens to a diver when he jumps from the top of a board to the swimming-pool.


National Marine Park of Zakynthos

National Marine Park of Zakynthos


Hazardous Waste Management in Greece

Waste of Batteries and oils from vehicles and industry are hazardous wastes belonging to alternative management in Greece. 


Is Glass really a solid?

A short presentation on the physical state of glass and how it is defined in terms of molecular structure, distances and order of molecules and formulation.


The formation of the Moon

The formation of the Moon

A movie made by our students of first class. Very clear.

No video selected.

Modern-day Noria

The New Frontiers of Engineering Award is an initiative promoted by the Portuguese Association of Engineers (Central Region) which aims to stimulate the interest of students in elementary and secondary education about STEM themes and in the engineering profession. Modern-day Noria, was a work developed by students of the 8th year of Colégio da Imaculada Conceição, school and candidate for the prize in 2017. Consisting of the design and construction of a modern-day noria that produces electricity when a hammer strikes a piezoelectric crystal.


Piezoelectric Shoe

The New Frontiers of Engineering Award is an initiative promoted by the Portuguese Association of Engineers (Central Region) which aims to stimulate the interest of students in elementary and secondary education about STEM themes and in the engineering profession. Piezoelectric Shoe, was a work developed by students of the 12th year of Colégio da Imaculada Conceição school and candidate for the prize in 2016. Consisting of the development of a shoe capable of producing energy through movement, using piezoelectric crystals.


Thermoelectric Generator

The New Frontiers of Engineering Award is an initiative promoted by the Portuguese Association of Engineers (Central Region) which aims to stimulate the interest of students in elementary and secondary education about STEM themes and in the engineering profession. Thermoelectric Generator was a work developed by students of the 7th and 9th year of Colégio da Imaculada Conceição school and candidate for the prize in 2016. Consisting of the development of a prototype of a Thermoelectric Generator, demonstrating the importance of the sources and forms of energy, generating sufficient electrical energy to feed an electric motor only through the differences in temperature between 2 water reservoirs.


The awesome power of citizen science

Any average citizen with an interest in science can make valuable contributions to science through the collection of data and by sharing this data with scientist who can analyze and process.  


The control of fire

The chemical equation resulting from the butane gas combustion is C4H10 + 132O2 è 4CO2 + 5H2O The Combustion is an exothermic chemical reaction between a substance (fuel) and a gas (combustion), usually oxygen, creating, in this particular case, the formation of carbon dioxide and water.


M&Ms in the water: Science with creativity

Chocolate M&Ms are covered by a layer of sugar and food colouring. When put into the water, the sugar gradually melts taking with it a certain amount of colouring which, in its turn, is also soluble in water. The sugar flows in the water from areas with a high concentration of sugar to areas with a lower concentration. At some point, the colours do not not mix anymore! A possible explanation is that in the border area between then, the sugar concentration is almost the same, diminishing the tendency of both the sugar and colouring flux.

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